Playa Larga Hotel, Zapata Swamp Cuba. 3 stars.
- No price
Description: Playa Larga Hotel Cuba
Playa Larga hotel stands at Peninsula of Zapata, zone of great natural attractive and place of enormous historical interest. During the stay in this hotel you will be able to take sea waters baths in an excellent fine sand and warm waters beach and also enjoy the contact with nature. The submarine areas have an enormous attractive in the abrupt of the oceanic wall, extraordinarily near to the coast and covered with beautiful corals, where you will admire colonies of black coral, gorgonians and sponges. Playa Larga hotel gives you the possibility of getting into sub-aquatic caverns belonging to the speleological system of Montemar, some of which reach the 70 meters deep. Other interesting places are: Hatiguanico River, the Refuge of Fauna Sacred Tomas, the Station of Reproduction of Parrots, and the Hatchery of Crocodiles.
Mapa de Playa Larga Hotel
- 25 % of people enjoy this
Very good
It is not nice
Guests can take a swim in Playa Larga with excellent sands and warm and safe waters at the end of the Bay of Pigs
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Rating Playa Larga Hotel Cuba