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Taxi from Havana airport jose marti to Faro luna

Distance 227.5km

Estimated time 04:55hours

Precio: $546.oo Taxi 1-3 pax

Preguntas Frecuentes

How is the payment method?

You can pay by Credit Card, Cash and Transfer. The parties will agree on the form of payment. In the case of a credit card, a 5% surcharge will be applied. all services have a fee of 5.00

How long does it take to get from Havana airport jose marti to Faro luna?

It takes approximately 04:55 to get from Havana airport jose marti to Faro luna, including transfers.

What is the cheapest way to get from Havana airport jose marti to Faro luna?

The cheapest way to get from Havana airport jose marti to Faro luna is by taxi costs 546

How far is it from Havana airport jose marti to Faro luna?

The distance between Havana airport jose marti and Faro luna is 227.5

Should I choose the transport depending on the amount of luggage I have with me?

Sometimes you travel with a large amount of luggage, then you must take into account the size of the transport, because it is possible that there is not enough space in the trunk, therefore you will have to pay for a larger transport or two cars.

How do I contact the Driver?

The driver will receive and welcome you, will carry an identifying sign, generally the name of the client, or another previously agreed between the parties. You can also request the driver's cell phone two days before the transfer.

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