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Museo de Arte Colonial, Sancti Spiritus. Cuba

  • Estrellas basadas en 2 opiniones
  • Calle Placido No. 74 esq. a Jesus Menendez, Sancti Spiritus. Cuba
  • Destino: Sancti Spiritus
  • Abierto: Daily
  • Teléfono: (5341) 25455
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Casa de comienzos de 1744. Recrea la mansión de una familia del siglo XVIII. Expone muebles estilo medallón, consola
original, mesetas, relojes y dormitorios, además de una exposición de vestidos del siglo XIX y XX.

Mapa de Museo de Arte Colonial

Museo de Arte Colonial se encuentra ubicada en Sancti Spiritus

Sancti Spiritus es lugar de tránsito obligado en los recorridos entre La Habana y el oriente del país. Fue la cuarta entre las primeras siete villas fundadas en la Isla y la única con nombre en latín. Ciudad monumento, de calles estrechas y arquitectura colonial, posee cientos de inmuebles antiguos muy bien conservados y una población que gusta de entretejer realidades con leyendas.

La Villa del Espíritu Santo se precia de ser cuna de trovadores y una de las urbes cubanas donde más puede disfrutarse de la naturaleza, pues a pesar de estar ubicada en el centro de la Isla, cuenta con la cercanía del lago Zaza, de importantes zonas tabacaleras y de regiones montañosas.

Su símbolo es el puente del Yayabo, que se alza sobre el río del mismo nombre, a cuyos alrededores está diseminada la vieja ciudad y pueden disfrutarse de bellas mansiones coloniales, entre ellas la apacible Quinta de Santa Elena. Orgullo de sus pobladores es también la Iglesia Parroquial Mayor, que testimonia la antigüedad de la villa, la cual recibió por Real Orden el título de ciudad en 1867. De paso por sus calles, el visitante sentirá un aire de placidez, que se respira también en museos y plazas

  • 100 % de personas disfruta esto
  • Excelente
  • Muy Bueno
  • Promedio
  • Pobre
  • Terrible
Opinion sobre Museos: Museo de Arte Colonial
Excelente alain

colonial artmuseum
The Museum of Colonial Art sits at the Cathedral Square, one of the most beautiful and well-preserved squares in Old Havana. The house on which it is placed belonged to Don Luis Chacón, a citizen of Havana who had the strange privilege of being military Governor of Cuba three times, a rank hardly reached by natives. The building was constructed in 1720 and it is considered to be the first one that was rebuilt in the Square, with a 18th Century style that prevails at present in its surroundings. The interior court yard and the galleries around it, make a nice cloistral environment, full of tropical plants. An important exhibition presenting the decoration and furniture of the big colonial mansions of Havana of the 18th and 19th Centuries is on display at its rooms; as well as architectural elements such as stained glasses and semicircular arches (sort of multicolored crystal fans that decorated the top of doors and windows) that constitute one of the most beautiful forms of colonial architecture in our country. artes decorativas This museum is placed in the splendid former mansion of the Revilla de Camargo Countess, and it is very rich in heritage values and works of art. The most varied exhibitions of applied arts are on permanent or temporary exhibit: the fine ebony cabinetwork and the extraordinary wooden decorations of French and English furniture from the best styles of the 18th Century; the ceramics collection has original pieces of Meissen, Sevres, Wedgwood and Faenza; and oriental porcelain collections, as well as Baccarat, Venice and Catalonia's glasses. A hand-knitted carpet manufactured by Franchis Carolus Romanus in 1772, is a valuable and unique piece at the museum. Also remarkable is the collection of Chinese folding screens where a big folding screen by Coromandel, from the 17th Century, stands out for its beautiful manufacturing. The various rooms are decorated with luxury and splendor. Decorated with Rococo style, the Main Room embosses its walls with fine gold works, while the Neo-classic Room, former bedroom of the countess, is distinguished by a secretaire that belonged to the personal furniture of Queen Maria Antonieta. ** The museum is situated in front of the Plaza Mayor and houses the most representative examples of the architectural development of the city in the 18th and 19

Excelente Jojn

Architecture Museum
The Colonial Architecture Museum is located on one of the sides of the Plaza Mayor, Trinidad City, in the central province of Sancti Spiritus. The Museum was inaugurated on November 1979 in the former house of the Sánchez family.

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