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Club Amigo Costasur Hotel, Trinidad Cuba. 3 stars.

  • No price
  • Trinidad
  • Playa María Aguilar, Península Ancón
  • Description: Club Amigo Costasur Hotel Cuba

    This hotel is a two floors Beach complex with bungalows and rooms, by the sea shore in one of the must beautiful south coast beaches of Cuba, the Ancon peninsula. Restaurants, snack bars, swimming pool, all kind of nautical sports are among the facilities you would find in there, plus night entertainment shows and several excursions to the 8 miles far away colonial city of Trinidad (World Heritage architectural site ), the keys located in the Caribbean sea or the mountains where nature is exuberant and amazing a few kilometres away. It is a perfect place for a combination of beach, nature and colonial city vacations, with a budget prices and good services.

  • Mapa de Club Amigo Costasur Hotel


  • Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 24 hrs. medical service
    Art Gallery
    Beauty salon
    Bell boy
    Board games
    Business centre
    Car parking
    Car rental
    Conference rooms
    Cyber cafe
    Disabled facilities
    Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 Discotheque
    Hotel shop
    Luggage storage
    Money exchange
    Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 Motorized water sports
    Multi-language staff
    No smoking rooms
    Piano bar
    Post office
    Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 Reception 24 hrs.
    Room services 24 hrs.
    Safety deposit box in room
    Satellite tv
    Scuba diving center
    Swimming pool
    Tennis courts
    Theme Restaurants
    Tourism bureau
  • Reviews
    • 62 % of people enjoy this
    • Excellent
    • Very good
    • Average
    • Poor
    • Awfull
    Review about Club Amigo Costasur Hotel
    Awfull Danielle R

    “Terrible ”
    Everything the resort advertised was completely broken, missing or otherwise not available. The bicycles were all lined up beckoning us, but they were all busted. There were no outdoor games (pieces missing, broken, etc.). The only computer station available to check email was glacially slow and riddled with pop-ups and other spyware. Apart from laying on the beach and getting wasted, there is nothing to do. The bottled water was being refilled with tap water by at least one of the staff members. The food was so horrible I would hesitate to call it "food" and it, the water, or both, made us extremely ill. It took months for our digestive systems to return to normal after two weeks there. Perhaps because of the poverty, several of the servers openly asked for handouts and I'm not referring to tips. One server asked if he could have my sunglasses. Apart from the servers, no one spoke any English so when we had questions or if we had an issue, we had to ask the servers for help. Would not go back if you payed me.

    Poor Mark L

    “Costa-not-so-sure ”
    We visited the Club Amigo Costasur from Dec. 29th to January 3. 3 star Cuban Resort so what can you really expect? Perhaps more than we got this trip. We came to this resort as well-seasoned travellers and one of us having travelled to Cuba many times. We have never written a Trip Advisor review, but always read reviews before travelling. This trip compels us to do one so that you go to this resort well-prepared on what to expect and with an open-mind. We are a pretty easy going couple from Northern Ontario and booked this "budget" vacation knowing full well that Cuba has its issues with food, resources and rationing. We went with what we thought were pretty low and reasonable expectations, as a three-star in Cuba is probably a one-star everywhere else. Can you expect good food, NO, even for Cuba it was poor. (Breakfast items reappeared at lunch, lunch items reappeared at supper, very hit and miss food, mostly miss, stick to the pasta bar). Same food every day. Dirty tablecloths often - sometimes had to search for a plate or cup, etc. The coffee/tea machine seemed to be "broken" at certain meals, but magically worked again at others. A la carte restaurant was better - but not much, but try to go there as much as possible. Very nice view and private away from the loud buffet. Can you expect cold drinks, SORT OF - ice was always available. Good drinks - NO - even for Cuba. Often when you asked for a certain type of drink the ingredients were "no more" - like a lot of other things. (Resort doesn?t have a blender (apparently broken at both bars), drinks come in very small paper-thin disposable plastic cups that collapse on themselves - bring your Bubba Cups - you'll be glad to have a real cup, cold ice and no bugs in your covered cups). Can you expect good service, NO :( ... a FEW nice staff, but overall almost zombie like and no motivation to make an effort for guests ... not the usual Cuban hospitality we have encountered on many past vacations. (3 star resort in Cuba, understaffed and overworked people, service is not their middle name). Most staff have a laisez-faire attitude (the public relations staff were very pleasant) and the "shoulder shrug" is their solution to any problem or request. My fiancée has been to Cuba 9 or 10 times and was extremely surprised and disappointed by the lack of caring by most staff. The happy, friendly and helpful Cubans and nice beaches have always been her favourite thing about Cuba - but not at this resort. Upon our arrival - very late - after midnight - our first announcement was there was NO water at all on the whole resort (it returned the next morning about 9 a.m.). My fiancée was then met by an extremely rude, unfriendly and right out nasty desk clerk. She was even nastier and almost non-responsive when we returned to request another room - as we were given a room with a "single" bed - we mean s-m-a-l-l - and my fiancée explaining that two people can't sleep in a single bed - especially when I'm over six feet! Eventually after a battle of wills and her tactic of ignoring us and checking in everyone else - despite my fiancée getting in line again ahead of others, we were eventually changed to the tropical section (1:45 a.m.!) with an apparent ocean view - which leads to the room ... Can you expect a decent room? Probably not. The other reviews are right. The bungalows offer the best chance and an awesome on the beach location. However, even the comments by guests there are the same as the hotel rooms ... usually clean, sheets often not changed, no wash cloths and stained towels ... nice animals made out of the towels ... but this resort is "tired" and it seems no one seems to care about quality control. Our room was very old. The rooms use a key - with an ancient lock. Only one key. Our room - well a half-key, as we found out that our room wasn't cleaned the first day because we had the only key. We had to find housekeeping every day - give her the key and then pick it up at reception later in the day. As with the rest of the resort .. it seems there is no pride in a lot of the work that is done - for example .. our bathroom had updated tile - but whoever did it slopped grout everywhere, including the walls and shower and on the floor and it was just left to dry splatted all over. Even someone going in after and scarping it off would show some pride. The re-painting of the bungalows and other areas have paint splatted on the floors, sidewalks and other areas. Again - an easy fix - use a drop cloth, piece of plastic an old towel .. something .. but just shows a lack of care and pride in one's work. Ocean view room: depends! Bungalows - awesome! Our friends' room was supposed to be ocean view (main hotel), but they said it was just a peek and they were not impressed with their room at all. Our room: Tropical section ...second floor - trees! trees! trees! (if the wind blew and we stood out on the balcony we could see a sliver of the ocean. AGAIN: an easy fix ... trim the trees!!!! No need to affect the natural environment and guests will be more pleased with their rooms! So .. if you are in the Tropical section request the third floor for an ocean view. You can see the ocean under the trees on the first floor. Can you expect a good beach, NO. (Coarse beach sand, sand fleas, short rocky beach to walk on and not always garbage and cigarette butts cleaned up). Some areas were obviously nice at one time, but have been left to over grow with trees, weeds, etc. and the cute little sea horse outdoor showers have been left broken, one overtaken by grass, shrubs, etc. except one by the beach bar, which worked. Again - so much potential with a little pride and care. Warning: We always left all our stuff at our beach chairs until one couple had their bag stolen by an unassuming "family" visiting the beach. One hates to be suspicious and as Canadians we are quite trusting and friendly ... but look for the resort bracelets on people. This beach is apparently a public beach. The next day our usual peace and tranquility was over run by literally a bus load of locals who parked behind the restaurant (there is also another local beach with road access around the corner from the "restaurant" beach too). We counted one group of 27 people of all ages in one group who arrived with a cooler, rum and a lot of noise. As the day went on more locals arrived and by noon we counted at least 60 people who took over most of the beach, water and resort chairs and palapas. We are pretty easy going, but we were bothered by paying guests going up and down the beach trying to find a chair and palapas and people ignoring the posted sign not to drink in the water. I guess someone finally complained late in the afternoon, as someone came and took a few chairs away from one of the groups. But ... we were still bothered that no one did anything all day. It's one thing to share the beach, but quite another to pay to stay at a resort and not be able to even use the facilities because non-paying people are using resort property. Can you expect good swimming, YES. (Excellent swimming area protected by large reef rocks making it very calm with sandy bottom, fun to bob around). Bring a Giant Tiger air mattress ($2.93) to float on and then give it away when you leave. It is not wavy at all and so relaxing. Can you expect scenic vistas, YES. (Beautiful location, vistas of the mountains cascading down to the ocean). The best thing about this location! Can you expect night life, NOT REALLY. (No dance club, nighttime entertainment was pretty decent but the same each night). The entertainers really made an effort and were the most pleasant Cubans around. Can you expect good weather, HELL YES. (Hot and sunny, little bit of a breeze - amazing!). Culturally significant location, SORT OF. (Friends did a trip to Trinidad which they enjoyed, had a great meal in town ...lots of other tours to take advantage of as well including UNESCO World Heritage Sights). Can you expect a good airport transfer. YES. The bus coach ride to and from the airport was organized and the tour guide and bus driver were some of the most pleasant Cubans we encountered. NOTE: it is a 60-90 minute bus ride one way from the resort to Cienfuegos. Make sure your trip to this resort flies to Cienfuegos, as the one-way THREE hour bus ride from the Santa Clara airport is not worth staying at this resort. Tips: Bug spray and Bubba Cups make your life more enjoyable. Be prepared for shortages and lower your expectations. You are not in Canada. Hot water (actually luke warm water) doesn?t get turned on until after5 pm). Bring lots of stuff to give away to the staff as they don?t have much or some things are very expensive or difficult to find in Cuba, bring t-shirts, toiletries, razors, feminin napkins/tampons, and you will make friends. Can you expect good value for your money. Maybe. We got a great last-minute deal ... but we got what we paid for - warm weather, a beach and no snow. We would have been extremely disappointed if we had paid full price. We brought a whole suitcase of gifts to give away (including the suitcase!) ... some quite expensive items. The most surprising thing for us was trying to find staff who either provided good service to "tip" generously or staff who showed some initiative/motivation to improve the guests' experience at this resort. Our housekeeper was very friendly and our building security staff were nice ... and although not looking for anything in return, it was nice to see how happy the security guy was when we gave him something for his wife and child and he was overjoyed by the suitcase we gave him. We really did our research including asking Cuban friends what was in short supply in Cuba. We were not prepared for the lack of motivation and enthusiasm by staff doing their jobs and interacting with the resort guests (or should we say the lack of). So many things could be improved at this resort that wouldn't cost any significant money. It seems to come down to initiative. Train the staff so that they can cook more favourably to Canadian and European taste (so much food was wasted on plates) Eg: pan fry french toast not put it in the deep fryer - we could go on about simple little cooking things. Train the staff to maximize their tips. Train the staff to trim trees, fix things as they break and for heaven's sake - how to use a paint brush. Train staff to educate guests so that they understand the reason for some issues instead of lying or evading questions. We didn't learn until the third day that there was no hot water until after 5 p.m. Everyone would probably be less stressed out - especially the staff. Clearly this resort is neglected in ways that can be easily solved with a little effort and initiative - realistically maybe there is a larger reason for the neglect and laisez-faire attitiudes???? This area is somewhat isolated and different from the more "touristy" northern coast of Cuba. If you want to be quiet and enjoy the sun and sand a beautiful natural vista, then this is the place for you. If you are used to prompt, reliable, friendly service and modern amenities, this is not the place for you. Travelling anywhere out of Canada requires an adjustment to culture and amenities. Travelling to Cuba requires an understanding of the country's limitations. Travelling to this resort requires an open mind to a place in need of some TLC for not only the physical environment and facilities, but for its clearly tired and overworked staff. Mark and Melanie

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